Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Press Release 3

For Immediate Release
Feb. 12, 2008

Contact: Preston Parker, president
Cache Valley Area Investors Association
Four three five – seven five seven – four five six zero


Logan, UT - The Cache Valley Area Investors Association is promoting financial education to everyone, every other Thursday at the Cache Chamber of Commerce. It is a newly started association that is free to join and easy to become involved.

President and founder, Preston Parker began the CVAIA for people to look outside of their earned income and learn how to become financially independent. If you dislike your current job or are looking for a job, CVAIA can educate you on philosophies so you can choose your own career path.

When asked about his credentials Parker stated, “I am not a certified financial investor at the same time I have been taught things, had guts, have won and lost. It is my credibility and you.” Parker is excited to help people work towards their own financial independence and is teaching the best he can.

Cache Valley Area Investors Association was started in August 2007. Meeting times again are every other Thursday at the Cache Chamber of Commerce, which is located at 160 N. Main Street. Anyone can come and get involved, it’s free!

For more information, contact: Katie Jo Matekovic, at (435) 123-1233 or via e-mail, cachevaiapr@gmail.com.


Anonymous said...

Katie, as always looks amazing. Nothing jumped out to me as needing help. Nice work.

Jackson & Celeste said...

I would make two suggestions:

1. At the beginning of the second paragraph, it starts "President and founder, Preston Parker..." If I were writing it I would probably say, "Preston Parker, the president and founder of the organization..."

2. I didn't really understand the quoted sentence in the third paragraph that said, "It is my credibility and you." For some reason that stuck out to me as a misquote.

These two changes aren't necessary, just some ideas. It was a smooth press release and well-written.

Sanelli said...

It did have a good flow!One thing I would fouble check on is the transitions, although it had flow, I felt like some words could have been replaced with better or better yet... more condenced.
I have seen improvement in your releases Katie jo!

claytongmackay said...

Looked great. I thought it was easy to understand.